Czech Appeal: Why and How National Game Productions Use Local Themes and Settings
The journal Games and Culture has recently published the article Czech Appeal: Why and How National Game Productions Use Local Themes and Settings written by Jaroslav Švelch and Jan Houška.
Original abstract: In recent years, semi-peripheral industries have produced numerous video games that use local settings but aim at a global audience. We explore this trend using five cases of commercially released Czech indie games that feature local themes and settings. Our research combines qualitative content analysis of representation with developer interviews, which we analyze to reveal motivations for including local content, its implementation, localization, and reception. We find that the games provide a unique image of the country by virtue of showing the country’s peripheral regions and everyday material culture. The developers’ motivations for using local culture range from creative (creating believable stories and environments) to practical (access to reference material). They maintain a dual allegiance to the international and local audiences because while they make most of their profits abroad, the local communities play key roles by providing initial feedback, encouragement, and development assistance.